ZEOSORB Media is revolutionizing the purification of drinking water and waste water with its expansive specific surface area and selective adsorption properties, targeting substances like ammonia, dissolved organic matter, and various cations. Its exceptional hydraulic properties enhance filtration capacity, making it a standout choice for large-scale water treatment applications. Notably stable and boasting superior filter features,
offers accessibility and cost-effectiveness compared to other adsorbents. Extensive research confirms its potential as an effective adsorbent across diverse purification processes, including water softening, ammonia removal from various sources like municipal wastewater and livestock farms, nitrogen removal, and heavy metal removal from industrial wastewater. Additionally, ZEOSORB excels in removing radioactive substances from wastewater and desalinating seawater. Acting as a polyfunctional sorbent in wastewater treatment, it efficiently binds harmful components, although its aluminosilicate network limits its ability to adsorb anions. Nevertheless, superficial modification with organic modifiers can partially neutralize this limitation, enhancing its overall efficacy in water treatment processes.National Minerals is a
trusted Dealer and Supplier in Zeosorb
, offering high-quality products designed for various industrial and commercial applications. With a commitment to excellence, National Minerals ensures reliable access to Zeosorb, a versatile and effective material known for its exceptional adsorption properties. From water treatment to environmental remediation projects, National Minerals provides comprehensive solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of each client, delivering superior performance and value.Benefits of Zeosorb
Better Filtrate Clarity:
Typical Sand/anthracite filter beds have a 12 to 15 micron nominal filter rating.ZEASORB typically would have nominal filter rating of less than 3 microns. This property greatly reduces the effluent turbidity, generally measured in national turbidity units(NTUs).
Increased flow rate in gravitySystem:
In a sand/anthracite filter media system the flow rate is typically 3to5m/h. In a ZEOSORB® filter media system,the flow rate is typically in the10m/h range..
Increased flow rate in pressure vessel systems:
Inasand/anthracite pressure vessel filter system the flow rates are typically 15th 17m/h. In a ZEOSORB® pressure vessel filter system the flow rates are typically the 15 to 35(andsometimes48)m/hrange.
Lower capital requirement to increase FiltrationCapacity:
Generally, the capacity of afilterplantcanbedoubledwithnoincreasein the plant by switching the filter media to ZEASORB..
Fewer Back wash cycles:
ZEASORB requires only one half of the backwash cycle that are required by sand/anthracite.
Less Backwash Water:
The fewer backwash cycle generally cut the amount of backwash water by one third to one half. This Means treating less backwash water and greater plant capacity.
Greater Loading due to greater surface area:
ZEASORB generally has 6 to 7 times the surface area and. ThismakesZEOSORB® amuchbetterfiltermediawithgreaterholding capacity.
Longmediabed life:
The Anticipated filtered life of ZEOSORB® is10 yrs.
Land application of spent ZEOSORB media:
Undermost conditions, ZEOSORB® filter bed can be applied to lawns and gardens as soil amendments.
Simpler Handling:
ZEOSORB®, monomedia beds simplify materials handling,shipments and bed loading.
Better Cleaning:
Active,dynamic,bed tumbling and mixing during backwash efficiently cleans bed granules
Applications of ZEOSORB
- Sand/anthracite and multimedia bed replacement
- Surface And Groundwater Filtration
- Economical filterbedsupstreamtoROand Nano membranes
ZEOSORB for Physical filtration barrier to pathogens such as bacteria and bacterial spores:
Physical filtration barriers for accumulation or collection of microorganisms in water endanger human health have been in focus during the last several years.ZEASORB will beanideal collector of pathogens such as giardia, cryptosporidium, and other bacteria and their spores. Most of these organisms and their spores are in the 0 size range of 0.5-10 micrometers (microns). In contrast, the water permeable pores in ZEOSORB® are mostly smaller than .05 microns; therefore the ZEO ORB® fragment or granule can "surface collect" a high percentage of thesemicroorganismswhilethewater passesthroughtheZEOSORB®fragment. All drinking water standards for microorganism pathogens,and turbidity can be most easily met using a natural, relatively low-cost material, such as ZEOSORB® rather than"sand"which is chiefly quartz grains.